Häufig gestellte Fragen
Cover: In our sealed versions in steel or stainless steel, the cover is already designed to be watertight. In our fillable aluminium covers (e.g. BVA), the base plate is only spot-welded for technical reasons (distortion). Here it is important that the concrete infill provides a seal (concrete should be shaken and well-compressed), if the cover is to be optimally watertight.
Frame: With water-tight models, care must be taken to seal the outside of the frame into the surrounding flooring (use concrete with waterproofing additives). If the covers are to be installed in areas where a high degree of watertightness is required, please always ask for our advice.
When fitting directly into industrial floors, it must be noted that these expand. If necessary fit flexible spacers (min. width 10 mm) around the outside of the frame. These can be removed when the floor has hardened. The resulting gap can subsequently be filled with the most suitable flexible material.
No problem, just make a square concrete rim around the round opening. This has to correspond to at least the outside dimensions of the access cover.

Our EPDM seals are very long-lasting when used appropriately. However, if watertightness is an important criterion for you, we would request you to consider the seals to be a part which is subject to wear and tear, and to check their condition regularly.
If the cover is opened and closed particularly often (e.g. models with gas struts), or if the seal is subjected to dirt, its lifespan is reduced.
If your seal appears damaged or no longer flexible, we recommend that you order a replacement seal from HAGO (giving details of the cover model and size). Replacement seals are always delivered with suitable glue and instructions for changing the seal.

This notch is found on our steel or stainless steel covers without hinges. We produce our covers with very little tolerance and gap dimensions. The cover and frame are then (after galvanising or passivating) optimally realigned. The notch serves as a marker, so that this optimal fit is not later lost by placing the cover into the frame the wrong way. For an optimal fit, the notch in the cover should find the notch in the frame! The HAGO notch is seen today as a sign of quality.
For models with gas struts, silicone grouting is required. With all other models, grouting with silicone around the frame is a neat solution but is not absolutely necessary
HAGO covers with standard installation depth should never be filled with asphalt. If you require an asphalt surface, please use our models with a 10 cm high cover (BVH-maxi, BVH-GD-maxi, BVHS 250/400). In this case, the cover has to be filled with approx. 7 cm of concrete, the rest can be filled with asphalt.

A very important question, as “125 kN test load” or “B 125” refers to neither the wheel load nor to the load capacity per square metre. The basis is the European Standard EN 124. It divides possible installation locations of access covers into 6 groups. Group 2 includes: footways, pedestrian zones, car parks or car parking decks.
For these areas (Group 2), the Standard provides for the installation of access covers of class B 125 (125 kN test load). Access covers are classified as B 125 with regard to load capacity if no cracks (in simplified terms) are produced by up to 125 kN force on the test rig (25 cm diameter block).
This test procedure according to EN 124 thus serves to classify access covers. HAGO access covers should, however, never be subjected to the indicated test load in normal usage.
The European Standard EN 124 does not give a direct indication of the actually possible load in kN or tonnes. However, as a rough guideline it can be said that HAGO covers with “125 kN test load” - when fully filled with grade C 35/45 concrete - can be slowly driven over with a maximum 3 tonnes wheel load (air-inflated tyres). That corresponds to the maximum wheel loads which can be expected in car parks or car parking decks.

In this case, the load capacity is reduced depending on the thickness and type of the floor finish.
For normal loading in pedestrian areas, HAGO access covers are of course also suitable when filled with blocks, tiles etc. However, the thickness of the floor finish should not exceed 2 cm.
When filling with blocks, if particular requirements are specified for the load capacity (vehicles, heavy machinery), please ask for our advice.